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Monday, June 3, 2019

The Plan for This Week

Hey y’all! The Denver Pop Culture Convention came and went this weekend. It was a blast! I'm very thankful for being invited to cover it. I'm going to have a number of pieces focused on the event going up over the course of this week. The first of which will be focused on my favorite cosplay I was able to get pictures of as well as some of the the awesome merch I picked up (or wanted to, but couldn't afford).

My next piece will then focus the time I had with the founder of Serenity Former and playing demos for some of their games. After that, I’ll be discussing some of the panels and events I witnessed and attended. I’ll also be writing more along the lines of my typical posts throughout the week. It’s gonna be a fun and busy week here on Defender of the Multiverse!

Also, I got my new comic reviews up yesterday. Check 'em out if you haven’t already.

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