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Thursday, June 6, 2019

Pokemon Sword and Shield Direct

I love Pokemon. Full stop. I also bought Sun on it’s release date. That game was slow and boring and I just didn’t care about anything that was happening unless Guzma or Kahili was onscreen.  And even that is only because Guzma is such a doofus that I couldn’t help but love him. And Kahili has such a nice design and interesting backstory. But that’s not explored to any significant degree in the game.

And then there was Ultra Sun, which I also bought at release because it was advertised as basically a new game that would remix concepts from Sun in a new and interesting way. It was not. It was the exact same thing but with these two goofy ass robot people that came from the Negative Zone or something. I don’t actually know who they are because I never finished this version. It was also slow and boring. And I still only cared about Guzma and Kahili.

So, imagine how disappointed I am that I’m getting caught up in the hype cycle for Sword and Shield. It looks like Sun, but in HD. Which is cool, I guess? It also has a super interesting looking region. The new Pokemon that have been revealed thus far seem pretty cool. Dynamaxing is exactly the ridiculous bullshit I want from Pokemon. I could do without the Raids, but whatever. There’s always some features in these game I don’t use much. So I’m incredibly excited for these games even though I don’t think I should be. That’s just how it works when you love a series, right?

Also, Zamazenta and Zacian look like very good boys.

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