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Monday, June 24, 2019

Neon Genesis Evangelion Has Returned

As the above trailer will gladly let you know, Neon Genesis Evangelion is one of the most influential shows in modern anime history. And it has been stuck behind red tape for a long time with the only legal way to watch the show was to buy very rare and expensive DVDs. But that age is over. Although the version of the show on Netflix has a new dub with new actors, many people will be able to watch the show for the first time. And that is worth something. I have never seen the entire show in order because I was only able to catch an episode here and there on Adult Swim (My parents definitely would not have approved) so I'm excited to be able to truly understand what is even happening. I urge everyone to watch this show, but know that it goes to some very dark and controversial places. The show is going to make you uncomfortable. The director, Hideaki Anno, created the show as a way to work through his depression and it shows. But hopefully every one of you will be able to take something from this interesting and meditative story.

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