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Thursday, May 30, 2019

Why I Write

Hey y'all. I've been thinking a lot about what I want this blog to be. Back in January, I created it as a way to talk about things I love and am interested in. And to release my pent-up creative energy. Of course, this was done on a whim. I knew I had to go ahead and do it or I wouldn't. I have a hard time taking risks and stepping out of my comfort zone. I actually had the graphics commissioned early last summer, but never put them to use. So, I created this blog with only an inkling of what it was going to be.

The reason I chose to do a blog in the first place is because I love writing. I always have, but in the past five or so years, I had fallen out of the habit. As a child, I had designs of publishing a book. Today, I do want to do that, but not for some time. My skill is not high enough to consider it. So, I want to get better. And this is my practice. It is also where I order and share my thoughts.

Now, I have no intention of writing full-tie. As of now, I do not intend to make any money at all. I may consider adding adverts in the future, but only one or two small ones. And that is contingent upon having enough readers to be worth it. I am here to become a better writer and have fun. Whether anyone reads this blog or not (Although I know people do. I have metrics), I will continue for as long as possible. Because I have thoughts and ideas. I don't plan on changing the world, but I do plan on putting my voice out in it. And who knows? Maybe something will come of it one day. Until then, I'm just here for the ride. And I hope you will join me.

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