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Monday, May 13, 2019

Game of Thrones: The Bells Thoughts

               Game of Thrones is gonna go down as the most disappointing ending a show has ever had, huh? I’ve been expecting that, but by Sunday every week I manage to to convince myself otherwise. And this episode was no different. It also suffered from the same problems as the last few episodes (And seasons as a whole): Pacing and poor writing.

               Might as well focus on the only thing of import that happened this week: Daenerys finally went all Mad Queen. It’s been obvious for a while and set up throughout the show. So that’s nice. It also happened so quickly that I’m not really sure why it happened. She saw the Red Keep and freaked out, but didn’t destroy it for like 45 minutes. How does that make any sense? Also, have dragons on this show always had this much concussive force behind their fire? Have I just not noticed or is this like Cyclops’ eye lasers/not-lasers? Either way, why did she need the largest army ever assembled? Who cares if she lost two dragons when one is this powerful? I get they were her “children” but still. Also also, Dany needs to amend her title to Mother of A Dragon.

               Cleganebowl also happened this week, but I honestly don’t care. I like the Hound and think he’s an interesting character so its nice that he got some resolution with his brother. It was a neat fight that looked cool (As does almost everything on this show), but who cares at this point? There’s so much shit to get down and we’re wasting time on these tertiary characters? Why not show something relevant to anything?

               Jaime came back to King’s Landing to be with Cersei and they both die like chumps, crushed by a rock. My girl Arya survived a bunch of rocks so what was their issue? Varys got dracarys’d because Tyrion couldn’t keep his mouth shut. He probably got himself and Jon killed next episode too (Except I think Jon is gonna go live with the wildlings).

               This was a visually awesome episode, just like every other episode (except “The Long Night”). Drogon is cool and everything it did (i.e. mass slaughter) looked really cool. Cleganebowl had cool visuals and I really liked the choice to show the city burning from the street level. The “siege” (Do they even know what that means?) wasn’t much of a battle. The Lannister army literally surrendered. I really liked that and thought expectations were about to be subverted and the rest of the episode was going to be a chill resolution of the Cersei plot. It was not.

               Overall, I didn’t hate this episode. I could see this battle so that was nice. It just suffers from what so much of late period Thrones does. Also, this is an 80-minute episode with virtually nothing of consequence outside of the fact that Dany is now EVIL and Cersei is dead occurring. Hopefully the final episode can at least have something important happen. This episode did lead to a pretty good meme though:

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