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Wednesday, March 27, 2019

The Future of Supernatural... Or lack thereof

               This past weekend, I shed a couple tears. I was going to write about it immediately but couldn’t form the sentences I needed. But now I can talk about the fact that Supernatural will be ending after its 20 episode 15th season. This is absolutely devastating. It is hard for me to ever declare anything my favorite, but Supernatural is the closest I will ever come to declaring a television show my favorite.

               Now, I was not part of the Supernatural family from the beginning. In fact, I only joined after the initial five season story arc had concluded. I watched all five (and 3/4 ish) seasons in a month or two when I finally decided to watch. I finished season six watching it live. Hard to believe that was almost ten years ago. But it was and I have never looked back. This family is incredibly dysfunctional, as is befitting of this show, but I have seen them come together to do real good in the world through charities, GoFundMes, etc. And I am incredibly proud to count myself among this fanbase.

The Winchesters are incredibly important characters to me. So are Castiel, Bobby, Jodie Mills, and any number of other characters on this show. The way they have grown, changed, died, come back, adopted children, acted as surrogate father figures, and saved the world countless times. It is honestly astounding what you can do with over 300 episodes worth of characterization. The same goes for the incredibly complex mythology. 15 years forces you to really create new layers and Supernatural has been very good about rarely contradicting itself. It does happen occasionally, but 300 hours is a lot of continuity.

And it goes beyond the show. You see the people involved with this show and they are examples to be looked up to. The actors are good people, fathers, friends, etc. The showrunners and crew are always positive. I have never seen anyone say they didn’t love being on this show.

And finally, this is a show I have grown with, as a person. Part of that is natural to growing up and being thrust into the world. But some of that is a show about family and love and choosing your own family and knowing that they will care for you no matter what happens. That is the real importance of Supernatural. That is the real power of this long winding story.

I think I will be doing a re-watch over the course of this year so that I can have everything fresh in my mind when the end comes. And there will be plenty of posts about that re-watch that go more in depth into my thoughts and feelings about this show. I just wanted to acknowledge this sad news. Its almost time for that long promised peace for these wayward sons.

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