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Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Pokemon Sword and Shield Versions

               The eighth generation of Pokémon games has been announced. And I am not that excited. Look, I love Pokémon. I have played every generation, a ton of spin-offs, a majority of the anime episodes, and I sometimes play the TCG. But this video did nothing for me. I was super excited heading into it and then… nothing.

               This is the first new generation on a home console. It should be the best, most ambitious game yet. From what little we’ve seen, it isn’t. It looks just like every previous game in the series. Literally. It looks like they’re using the same models as the 3DS games, but now in HD. And that will be enough to make some people happy, but not me. I actively disliked Ultra Sun and haven’t loved a game in the series since Black Version.

               Unfortunately, that was almost a decade ago. I know I haven’t outgrown the franchise because everything about that list at the top is true. I even regularly listen to a Pokémon podcast (You should check it out. Its good). But I’m not excited. That will probably change as we get closer to release. It was definitely true for Ultra Sun, even if that was a disappointment. And if all else fails, I still have the older games to go back to.

               But here’s to the future and some hopefully amazing Pokémon games! Bring on Sword Version and Shield Version.

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