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Thursday, February 21, 2019

Introducing: Weekly Comic Reviews

Hey y'all! I've got a new feature to announce.  It's all pretty much right there in the title. Every week I will be highlighting the comics I am reading and discussing them. This will include a mix of brand new comics and comics I am catching up on as I have a stack about 3 months old to get to. I am basically going to steal the Henchman-4-Hire template (With some tweaks) because I like it and Sean does a fantastic job. Everyone should check out that blog… After you’re done here. The tweak I’m going to start with right are eliminating the number grade because I’ve never been a fan of that. That scale will be replaced by two options: Buy and Pass. It is a pretty simple system that may need adjusting in the future but I really like it. The plan is to post these every weekend beginning this Saturday. I’m super excited for y’all to see what I’ve been cooking up and to get a regular series going! I'll leave ya a sneak peek of one of the issues I'll be looking at this week. See you this weekend!

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