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Monday, July 29, 2019

The Dawn of X Is Nearly Upon Us

               House of X has arrived and with it, the future of the X-Men. At San Diego Comic Con, Marvel announced the Post-House of X and Powers of X future: The Dawn of X, consisting of six new ongoing series. There are some intriguing premises. There are not so intriguing ones. Let’s discuss.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Last Week's Comics Reviewed 07.24.2019

Hey y’all. We got one issue this week: Age of X-Man’s conclusion. I dropped Uncanny X-Men months ago so I didn’t read it. SO, the next time we discuss X-Men here, it’ll be about the Hickman era. I’ll have a piece up about the San Diego announcements later this week. I’m interested, but have no real idea of where those series are going. But that’s the future. Let’s talk today!

Spoilers for: Age of X-Man Omega

Age of X-Man Omega

Writers: Zac Thompson and Lonnie Nadler
Artist: Simone Buonfantino
Colorist: Triona Farrell
Letterer: VC’s Clayton Cowles
Cover: Phil Noto

This is it. The end of an era. The Hickboot is upon us, but how did the last major X-Men story fare? Quite well actually. Age of X-Man was a very hit and miss event overall, but this finale does a great of blending the overall themes of each miniseries involved. There isn’t much in the way of plot here, which is its biggest downfall. The first part of the issue is spent with Nate catching everyone up to speed. Its not great or interesting narration. It serves its purpose though.
I'm tearing up right now
               The second portion of the issue is a conversation between several of the X-Men and Nate. They debate whether they should stay in this world or return to their original home. And its this conversation where the entire story comes together. I had been wondering what the point of Age of X-Man and this is where it comes into focus: No matter how messy or painful our relationships are, they are ultimately what makes life worth living. And that hit me really hard. Its something I have struggled wth in the. Sometimes, I don’t value the connections I make with others and I need to remind myself or be reminded to take a step back and appreciate things. Good or bad, we are what our interactions with others make us and show us to be. And that’s a powerful thought.
               This idea also takes to Nate and he creates a way to send everyone home just in time for Jonathon Hickman to do whatever weird and interesting things he’s planning. It’s a fitting sendoff and ends with a hint of this world returning in the future.

               The art here is also fantastic. Its clear and easy to see, but it also conveys character really well. I understand exactly how characters are feeling even if they don’t speak. Which is exactly what good storytelling art looks like.

Verdict: Buy

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

SDCC 2019: MCU Phase 4 has Arrived

Thanks IGN

San Diego Comic Con was this past weekend and I’m still sorting through the news, but by far the biggest news of the year (In pop culture) has arrived: The Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 4 map. I’m not incredibly excited for this slate although some of the projects do get me excited. I think Spider-Man: Far From Home has got me a bit down on the direction it seems they are heading in (My full thoughts later this week). More like cautiously optimistic. But, let’s look at what’s coming up!

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Last Week's Comic Reviews 07.17.2019

               Welcome! To the brand-new Last Week’s Comics Reviewed! A small change in what I’ve been doing thus far. Instead of writing and releasing my weekly comic reviews over the weekend, they are going to be out on new comic day. Not only will this allow me to have more time to work on reviews, but it also functions as a way for you, dear readers, to get a refresher on the last week’s comics prior to reading the new ones. And boy did I need that extra time this week. I read to Issues (Supergirl and The Flash), but didn't have anything to new to say about them. But we’ve got SEVEN issues to check out and discuss, so let’s jump in!

Spoilers for: Miles Morales: Spider-Man #8, Naomi #6 Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #21, Supergirl #32, Superman #13, Event Leviathan #2, Young Justice #7, Ghosted in L.A. #1, The Flash #74

Monday, July 15, 2019

Supergirl has a Cool New Costume

I love Supergirl. I like the titular character's costume. I think the new one is miles better. Even in the comics, I prefer Kara's pants to her skirts. And don't even get me started on the Injustice 2 costume. Its a masterpiece and probably my favorite Supergirl design ever. But that's neither here nor there. The new TV costume looks good (As do Melissa Benoist's bangs) and I can't wait for the new season!

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

Mulan Debut Trailer

Mulan is one of my favorite Disney films. It’s also the one that least needs to be a musical. And, while I love those songs, I am looking forward to this version because this seems like a more interesting direction for a remake. It helps that everything in this film looks sharp unlike, say, Aladdin, a flawed masterpiece. The CGI in that was sometimes lacking and you could tell from the first trailer. Mulan appears to be in much better shape (Or not and we’re just not being shown the rough part). So, I guess it’s time to give Disney another piece of my soul.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Pokemon Sword and Shield Gigantamax Trailer

I have no idea how Gigantamaxing is different from Dynamaxing in terms of mechanics. Notrdo I know how it’s different from Mega Evolutions. I don’t know how it will effect the metagame of the competitive scene or how it will be implemented into the trading card game. What I do know is that Gigantamaxing is sick and I need more of it in my life. Making your Pokemon huge was cool. Making it huge AND cooler? Even better. Also, Rolycoly and Tamper after adorable and I would like to be their friend. I'm really getting my hopes up with this game after not liking Sun/Moon and Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon. But I’m hopping on the hype train never the less!

Monday, July 1, 2019

Comic Reviews 07.01.2019

               Hey y’all. Not much news in comics this week. There are three comics I did read this week though and it’s a mixed bag. The end of Age of X-Man is nearly upon us and that’s exciting because it means Jonathon Hickman’s relaunch is soon (July 24th, FYI) and I can not wait or that. But let’s move on to the reviews. As always, spoilers ahead.

Comics reviewed: The Flash #73, Age of X-Man: X-Tremists, Action Comics 2012
